Local Resources

Carers Support

Lanarkshire Carers

Lanarkshire Carers is a resource for carers across Lanarkshire to access information, advice and a range of direct support services to support them in their caring roles.
Website: https://lanarkshirecarers.org.uk
Phone: 01698 428090
Email: [email protected]

Kinship Support Group

Open to all kinship carers/or family members to attend
Email: [email protected]
Contact: 01355 806 165

People with Dementia

There are lots of local community groups that offer support and activities for people living with dementia and their carers, here are some suggestions below, however as time and dates can change please use this link  aliss.org to find updated information.

The Memories Tea room

Gilmour and Whitehill Parish Church, Hamilton
Last Thursday of the month 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm
Contact: 01698 285672
Email: [email protected]

Musical Memories (£1 entrance fee)

Dementia-friendly singing sessions, alongside friendship and support over a cup of tea.
St John’s Church Hall, Duke Street, Hamilton
Wednesday 10:30 am to 12.00 pm
Contact: 07751 602648 / 07761 271761
Website: facebook.com/musicalmemorieshamilton/

Library Reminiscence Group (Dementia friendly)

Hamilton Town House Library, 102 Cadzow Street, Hamilton ML3 6HH
Last Tuesday of the month 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm
Contact : 01698 452122 to a book place

Useful contacts for support and information

Older people

Getting involved in local community groups and activities can help your mental and physical health and can reduce feelings of loneliness and social isolation. There are lots of groups in the local area and we have listed some suggestions, however times and dates can change so please check this link aliss.org to find updated information.

Blantyre Sporting Memories Club

Livingstone Memorial Church, 286 Glasgow Road, Blantyre, G72 9DB
Alternate Wednesdays 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm
Contact: 07760469236
Email: [email protected]

Tai Chi (LEAP group, £6.00 per session)

Hillhouse Parish Church, 14C Clarkwell Road, Hamilton, ML3 9TQ – Monday 12.00 pm to 1.00 pm
Cambuslang Institute, Greenlees Road, G72 8JE – Mondays 10.30 am to 11.30 am

Café at St John’s Church Hall

St John’s Church Hall , Duke Street, Hamilton ML3 7DT
Monday to Friday 10.00 am to 12.30 pm
Contact: 01698 286868
Website: https://www.stjohnshamilton.org.uk/

LEAP Friendship Group

Lorne Street, Hamilton – Sunday monthly 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm
Contact: 0141 641 5169
Website: https://www.leap-project.co.uk/friendship-groups