Stay Safe and Steady

NHS Lanarkshire is urging the public to take extra care during the winter months as icy conditions, shorter daylight hours, and cold weather can significantly increase the risk of falls


If you are a Carer please let us know, you can complete the online form within the “Keep us up to date ” section, or if you prefer just give us a call.

South Lanarkshire Young Carers

We are dedicated to supporting young carers aged 8-18 throughout South Lanarkshire. We believe it is the right of every young carer to be recognised in their role and to have the same opportunities and life chances as other young people of a similar age.
01698 891385

South Lanarkshire Council Care at Home Service

South Lanarkshire Council Care at Home Service – this service can be arranged following an assessment meeting with the person who needs support, relatives, carers, health and/or social work employees together discuss the issues, what they are, and what services may be needed.

Lanarkshire Links

Lanarkshire Links is a mental health service user and carer led organisation. This is a group of ordinary people from varying walks of life who are affected in some way by mental health. They are proud of a staff team that includes service users and carers. They are experts in living with mental health issues or they care for someone living with a mental health problem.

Solihull Online Courses for parents/carers

The Scottish Government has negotiated access to Solihull Online. These are courses which help nurture a a caring and supportive relationship by carers and help understanding of the stages of a child's development from pregnancy through to 19 years through interactive activities. Courses available are; Understanding pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby, understanding your baby, understanding your child. understanding your teenager's brain. To access these for for FREE use the code TARTAN.

National Centre for Eating Disorders

We believe that you have the right to get the best help from someone who cares and understands. We believe that therapists deserve the best training and ongoing support to empower their work. This is our mission for people with anorexia, bulimia, binge and compulsive eating, body image issues, weight struggles and for the people who serve them.
0845 838 2040

Future care planning

If you have a long term health condition, making a future care plan can help you get back in control over what's important to you. Future care planning (FCP) means that health and care practitioners work with people and their carers to ensure that the right thing is done at the right time by the right person.

Over 60 + or have a Disability? Eligible for free bus travel

If you are over 60 or have a disability, you could be eligible for free bus travel to get around Scotland and your local area. You can access this via the National Entitlement Card, your pass to free bus travel in Scotland.

Sharedcare Scotland

Our vision is for a Scotland where everyone who receives support or provides unpaid care can live a full and satisfying life, with the assistance they need to take regular, quality breaks from the everyday demands of their caring routines. In Scotland there are over 650,000 people who care for a family member, partner or friend, who may be ill, disabled, or dependent on drugs or alcohol. Short breaks provide a much needed release from the physical and emotional demands of the care.
01383 622462

Crossroads Scotland

Crossroads Caring Scotland is one of the country's leading voluntary sector providers of support for carers and their families. Established as a charity in Scotland in 1978, we provide support services across Scotland, helping people to live independently at home.
0141 226 3793

Coalition of carers in Scotland

The Coalition of Carers in Scotland exists to advance the voice of carers by facilitating carer engagement and bringing carers and local carer organisations together with decision makers at a national and local level.
01786 850247

Carers Scotland

We're here to help carers and professionals, with expert advice on issues such as carers' benefits, community care and services for carers Looking after someone can be complicated. Our leaflets, booklets and newsletters give you accurate and up-to-date information so you know exactly where you stand.
0808 808 7777

Care Information Scotland

If you look after someone, need care yourself or are planning your future care needs, you can get the information and advice you need here.
0800 011 3200

Carers UK

Caring will affect us all at some point in our lives. We’ll be here for you when that happens. With your help, we can be there for the 6,000 people who start looking after someone each day.
020 7378 4999